
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Where Yat?

I am alive. I know you've been deeply concerned. I wanted to try a little blog experiment, "what happens when I don't post anything...for a week,or more?"
Well the answer turns out to be, "not much". The blog doesn't do much, people still stop by to see if anything has been posted but otherwise nothing happens. It's not like when you leave food in the microwave for a week or two by accident, you know when things just suddenly exist.
That said I have quite a few posts to make that have more or less been stock piled over the last week or so.
-Birthday stuff
-fitness stuff
-sailing stuff
-volvo ocean race stuff
-new orleans stuff
So this is the New Orleans stuff.  I took the girls to the BBQ and Blues Festival in the CBD. I LOVE events that are sponsored by WWOZ. They rarely disappoint. The girls had a pretty good time....until they didn't. The melt down was a full blown tantrum that only Team Terrible can produce. Imagine this, one minute everything is rainbows and BBQ and the next it's laid out in the street screaming and kicking. Why, I can't be entirely sure but its is related to using the lobby potty and an elevator.
Oh well it was still nice to get out and hear some music. We almost saw Valerie June.
Maybe next time
Pro dad tip: When it is necessary to take your girl children to the potty in public avoid a portapot and find a hotel lobby. They will find sincere sympathy in your probably quickly devolving situation and point you in the direction of their cleanest throne. Hasn't failed me yet.

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