
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Home Is Where The Hangover Is....

I had a great post written for this trip but I accidentally deleted it on the flight back to Gulfport. I could try and re-write it but I really doubt any effort to resurrect it would be worth your time in reading so I'm going to give you a bunch of photos and captions and hopefully the story will develop organically from there. Like a real life cartoon strip.

Last weekend we flew home for our friends Lord Lady Socks and Betty's wedding. It was definitely worth the trip.

 When your flight is delayed at 6 am on the tarmac due to weather (note the rain in the window) this is the best way to keep your kids calm. Only the most well behaved children and the most Saintly patient parents  can fly without some form of audio visual stimulation for their kids. Obviously ours are not the most well behaved...yet... and we absolutely do not have the level of calm required at times like this.

After having our dear friend Jamie pick us up in Baltimore we dropped the girls off with Grandma (my mother) and went to York to my Dad's house. I got in some guy time with the boys. Mrs. Standby got to drink with the girls. The evening eventually degraded into a bit too much Scotch and a dare that lead to me and another poor soul eating these Ghost Peppers. 
Look, I ate one. I thought I could probably die, I considered calling 911. At one point I hoped the pain would cause me to pass out. People... don't do this unless you really want to know God's creative genius. These peppers....just don't.

The next morning we got up...a bit floggy from the nights bad decisions and drove down to the wedding. Let me just say we've done a lot of weddings this year. This place wins the award for best wedding venue. A beautiful family farm in Montgomery County. The property is huge and stunning... and rumor has it that it might be for sale in the near future (in case anyone wants to go in on it with us). It was amazing getting see old friends, I love these guys dearly.

Face it, if you invite us to your wedding you will be guaranteed a few things...
   -we will look good
   -we will dance shamelessly
   -we will drink as much of your open bar  as we possibly can
   -we will pass out before the after party
   - we will be at the family brunch, because we love brunch

The lovely couple cutting the cake. I would like to add, I am a man, I am quite confident in my hetero-sexuality so I can say "Betty your dress was amazing! You rocked it girl."  Sadly,  I never had any cake, we were too busy dancing. Besides I'm pretty sure I saw Charlie (one of the absolutely adorable kids at the party) lick the icing off the bottom. BUT the food truck was a pretty baller move!

When it gets cold, grab your lady, take her scarf, wrap it on your head and take a nap.- Boson's words of wisdom ( eventually this will be a Dadism, I'm sure)

The morning after in the boudoir, feeling a bit slow. We drank a lot of Bourbon and didn't stretch properly before wedding dancing. Had to get up since there was brunch to be had. Pro Tip- Never Miss Post Wedding Brunch--EVER

Absolutely awesome weekend. Our travel struggles were nil and the love made everything worthwhile!

Shout out to the lovely bride and groom

             BETTY                                                                                              LORD LADY SOCKS

 Bourbon is the most effective way to cure writers block that I've found thus far....


  1. Gawd, I am not technically savvy enough to post a comment? Maybe I should have had some bourbon. ....

  2. Suffice to say I picked on you for eating the SECOND hottest pepper and offered that there are still some on the vine if you'd like!
    Bwaa ha ha!

  3. You and your family are indomitable! Can't say I have the patience...in airlines! Lol
